In This Example, When You Get Paid Up To 10 Levels
The Power of Micro Transactions is Exponential
Here's an example of the exponential power of 10 levels
if you invite 2 people and they only invite a couple people total.
Level 1 - 2
Level 2 - 4
Level 3 - 8
Level 4 - 16
Level 5 - 32
Level 6 - 64
Level 7 - 128
Level 8 - 256
Level 9 - 512
Level 10 - 1,024
It all begins by activating your gold membership for just $20. Not only will you unlock incredible savings, but you’ll also set yourself up for substantial earnings!
The process is simple: refer one person who wants to save money and earn, and you’ll receive a 100% commission, earning $20 back. Refer another person, and you’ll make $40 doubling your cost to join. As your team continues to build, your earnings will grow exponentially. By reaching 10 levels, you will earn $1 for every member, no matter who reffered them and you would be earning over $2000 a month! That would come to $24,000 a year! ...
and that's just the beginning, it gets much better than that!
All results vary, personal work and teamwork commitment are required. Many People Just Like You Are Getting Their First Income Online!
Would You Like To Become Our Next Success Story? Here's the founder Steve Gresham, CEO, to tell you more about how the SHG platform works.
The Power of Micro Transactions is Exponential
Here's an example of the exponential power of 10 levels
if you invite 2 people and they only invite a couple people total.
Level 1 - 2
Level 2 - 4
Level 3 - 8
Level 4 - 16
Level 5 - 32
Level 6 - 64
Level 7 - 128
Level 8 - 256
Level 9 - 512
Level 10 - 1,024
It all begins by activating your gold membership for just $20. Not only will you unlock incredible savings, but you’ll also set yourself up for substantial earnings!
The process is simple: refer one person who wants to save money and earn, and you’ll receive a 100% commission, earning $20 back. Refer another person, and you’ll make $40 doubling your cost to join. As your team continues to build, your earnings will grow exponentially. By reaching 10 levels, you will earn $1 for every member, no matter who reffered them and you would be earning over $2000 a month! That would come to $24,000 a year! ...
and that's just the beginning, it gets much better than that!
Could You Use That Extra Income For Your Family?
Please watch the next video below to learn more about how it works, and how you could be earning much higher income amounts.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a guarantee of savings, earnings, health, or increased credit score.All results vary, personal work and teamwork commitment are required. Many People Just Like You Are Getting Their First Income Online!
Would You Like To Become Our Next Success Story? Here's the founder Steve Gresham, CEO, to tell you more about how the SHG platform works.
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